Rosh Hashanah 

  Yom Kippur Sukkot    Simchat Torah RSVP 


While it is the most solemn day of the year, we are also joyful, confident that G‑d will forgive our sins and seal our verdict for a year of life, health and happiness.

For nearly twenty-six hours-from several minutes before sunset on 9 Tishrei until after nightfall on 10 Tishrei-we “afflict our souls”: we abstain from food and drink, do not wash or anoint our bodies, do not wear leather footwear, etc.  Instead of focusing on the physical, we spend much of our day in the synagogue, engaged in repentance and prayer.

In the waning hours of the day, we reach the climax of the day: the fifth prayer, the Neilah (“locking”) prayer. The gates of heaven, which were open all day, will now be closed-with us on the inside. During this prayer we have the ability to access the most essential level of our soul. The Holy Ark remains open throughout. The closing Neilah service climaxes in the resounding cries of “Hear O Israel . . . G‑d is one.”

Friday, Oct 11, 2024

Light Candles at 6:09 pm

Fast Begins at 6:09 pm

Kol Nidrei Services: 6:30 pm

Saturday, Oct 12, 2024

Morning Services: 9:30 am

Children's Service: 11:00 am

Yizkor Memorial Service: 11:30 am

Mincha / Neila Services: 5:00 pm

Fast Ends at 7:06 pm

Followed by A Break-Fast