Sponsor a Kiddush
Shabbat Kiddush, the communal gathering that follows the Shabbat morning prayers, is a traditional opportunity to mark joyous events and life cycle occasions within the community. A birthday, anniversary, or Yartziet are all events commonly honored at the luncheon, as well as baby namings, graduations, and other opportunities to give thanks in the company of family and friends. The Kiddush is sponsored by families in the community, and because of their generosity everyone that attends Chabad enjoys a delicious lunch.
As many families have particular dates that they want to sponsor and dedicate, we encourage you to fill out the enclosed form and choose the times during the year that you would like to sponsor the Kiddush.
May we always celebrate many happy occasions with each other for many years to come.
Please complete this form to sponsor a Kiddush at Chabad. To see which weekends are available please contact us at [email protected] or call 610-351-6511.