Donate Today! Chabad Lubavitch of the Lehigh Valley is dedicated to serving Jews of all ages with Ahavat Yisroel regardless of religious background or affiliation. Comprising multiple organizations and programs, Chabad Lubavitch of the Lehigh Valley provides the education and means to promote Jewish awareness, knowledge and practice through outreach, education and social services ensuring Jewish continuity. Chabad encourages positive action on the part of every Jew and facilitates the efforts of every organization or group to increase Jewish knowledge and observance. Chabad of the Lehigh Valley is part of the worldwide Chabad Lubavitch Movement. Chabad Lubavitch branches are present in every major Jewish city in the world. Uniquely each location is funded individually from its own fundraising campaigns and charitable giving of individuals. Your support helps us continue our vital work, reaching thousands of Jews. Make a contribution in your name or in the name of a loved one today! Chabad Lubavitch of the Lehigh Valley Inc. is a non-profit organization. All grants and charitable contributions are tax-deductible. Thank you for you Support. * Denotes required field: Mr. & Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms. Dr. & Mrs. Dr.Title First Name * Last Name * Address (use address associated with credit card) City State Postal Code Country Phone email This is my home business address Amount: Please Select $18 $36 $54 $90 $180 $360 $720 $1000 Other: $ Targeted gift: You can target your gift towards a specific program or event hosted by Lubavitch. Please provide any additional comments here: Email address * Reconfirm Email Address * You may Acknowledge my gift to my e mail address. Please Acknowle my gift by mail to the above street address. Please contact me to discuss additional giving opportunaities. Tax Reciept: Chabad Lubavit of the Lehigh Valley Inc. is a non-profit organization. All grants and charitable contributions $18. plus, are tax-deductible. A Tax reciept will be issued and sent to the above name and address unless otherwise noted. Thank you for you Support. Please carefully review the information you provided, then press Submit (once only). On behalf of the L.V. Jewish Community served every week by Chabad/Lubavitch of Lehigh Valley: Thank you! Press "Continue" below to continue to PayPal to make a payment. This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.